Friday, May 4, 2012

Unintentional Sabbatical

When I  decided to create this blog, I created it to be a record of our journey, a place to share with others who were struggling as I was (and still am), and potentially provide a haven, a safe place for those facing trials of many kinds with a  primary focus on infertility.  

I realize that my presence here has been sorely lacking in the now recent (and not so recent) past. The months have certainly been an unintentional absence, a lapse I never intended. As the days, weeks, and then months flew by, it became easier to neglect this space, to remove myself from the words that swirled within. 

Excuses could certainly be used; I had two little ones to care for, foster paperwork, visits, doctor's appointments. Who knew that preschoolers could have such a busy schedule?!?! The holiday's were coming and with them thier busyness- I think I almost forgot what my house looked like from Thanksgiving through Christmas! Work was certainly tedious, wrapping up the end of the year and planning for a new one, full of its potential. 

Yet still they sit, burning within- the thoughts and feelings waiting for their time to be shared. And so I return. 

Life has certainly changed since Novemeber. My husband and I are once again childless, at least temporarily. The impact of the children who have departed has certainly impacted our lives however- not a day goes by without a refrence to one or both of them. It is my hope that I may influence others in a similar fashion. 

So while few may read, I will know... know that I have done as I should, hoping, praying that the words I write may somehow make a difference to someone, that my story may eventually be a testimony of God's glory, that I may grow, learning from my experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for following along with my blog - I've really enjoyed reading your posts! I'm so sorry you've had to deal with the pain of infertility, but I think it's wonderful that you've decided to be a foster mom. I can't wait to read more!
